As is understandably the concern of any youth-focused company, theme park, or program, the Young Artist Academy™ seeks to create Security Parameters for all our members and guests that ensure the greatest benefit and mentorship for young artists in Hollywood.

Thanks to modern awareness, openness, and community conversations, the Academy has been able to drastically adjust its operations model from that of our former administrators, and create world class policies and procedures - many already in place by major theme parks, schools, and other youth-focused institutions.

The Young Artist Academy™ takes seriously any claims of abuse or illegal practices by its guests, and has zero tolerance of mistreatment of all people. The welfare of our young artists is a fundamental principle, and our producers have worked (even “in-person”) with policymakers to strengthen California State laws for young actors, as well as our own procedures.

The academy has long-ago ended its relationships with previous partners, and continues to be thorough in its vetting process of anyone permitted onto Awards Show premises in official capacities. The Academy continues to reinforce the culture that encourages our members and guests to speak up when they see ways to further increase the comfort and value that we provide to our members.

On-site Event Security

  • Both uniformed & undercover plain-clothed security
  • Restroom attendants
  • Reserving the right to inspect bags
  • Highly publicized mandatory Modest Dress Code required for Children, as well as for Adults
  • Local law enforcement officers attend and participate in the program
  • A required cell phone contact number(s) of escorting parents or guardians per young Nominee are required at the time of ticket purchase

REMINDERS at every annual Awards Show

  • Not to not leave with strangers
  • Not to give out personal contact information
  • To practice professional Networking Skills by shaking hands - not hugging
  • To say something to an adult about anything or anyone that makes you uncomfortable “even if it probably isn’t anything” 

Background Checks

  • All academy staff, vendors, tech crew, and volunteers are verified against existing federal databases for predatory records or alerts
  • All confirmed media is informed that each attending Press member will be individually checked against existing public federal databases for predatory records or alerts. There are no last minute substitutions for confirmed Press

Government Compliance

In compliance with California Legislature Sections 1286 to 1289 and Assembly Bill 1660, the academy’s annual awards show is produced by Stage Managers, Directors, Writers and Producers carrying Child Performer Services Permits.  

Though not required, the Young Artist Academy™ is one of the only youth awards show in Hollywood that carries a Krekorian Talent Bond (, as well as insisting escorting agents have a Child Performer Services Permit (

While no process is perfect, this is one that we take seriously and are committed to constantly improving.  Rigorous protocols created exclusively by and for the Young Artist Academy™ have received praise as the new “gold standard“ for youth awards organizations. We remain community-minded and committed to our obligations in this area, and welcome respectful inquiries, questions, and concerns: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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